Life Skills

Problem Solving

Time Required

20 minutes























There are many traits that set one breed apart from another. Though there are some breeds that look alike, each breed is a unique mixture of a wide range of traits. Let's begin by identifying some common breeds and one of the most recognizable traits - size.

One reliable web site that is full of information is hosted by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA). Use the internet to explore this site and to complete the activity below.



Use the ARBA web site to identify the breed and maximum weights for each of the pictures below. Simply visit, click on the Breeds link in the left column, and then scroll down to see the Recognized Rabbit Breeds. Locate a rabbit breed that looks similar to the pictures below. Once you have found what you believe is the proper breed, write the name and maximum weight in the space under the picture below.

Once you have completed the activity, click the Check It button to check your answers.