Life Skills

Planning Ahead


Time Required

20 minutes








































































So far you have identified a breed you might be interested in owning and you have calculated the costs for keeping that animal. But before you go to purchase a rabbit, you need to know how to choose a rabbit who is healthy.



Look at each section below to find out what to look for when choosing your rabbit.


1. Age of the Rabbit

One of the first things to consider when choosing your rabbit, is whether it is old enough for you to adopt. Eight weeks is a healthy age for an adoptable rabbit. Rabbits that are any younger than that still need to be with their mother. Rabbits that are taken away too early are easily stressed and can become very sick.

Which is the HEALTHY rabbit choice?

2 weeksCORRECT!!!4 weeks




2. Appearance

a. A healthy rabbit will move around the cage freely and without any difficulty.

Which is the HEALTHY rabbit choice?

CORRECT!!!Lethargic, possibly sick


b. The eyes and nasal area should be clean, clear and free of any discharge.

Which is the HEALTHY rabbit choice?

Swollen EyesCORRECT!!!



c. There should be absolutely no sneezing.

 Which is the HEALTHY rabbit choice?



d. There should not be any fecal material attached to the fur near the genital area, as this could be a sign of diarrhea.

Which is the HEALTHY rabbit choice?


 Possible diarrheaCORRECT!!!


e. The rabbit’s incisor teeth (front teeth) need to have proper alignment. When viewing them from the side profile, the upper incisors should overlap the lower incisors.

Which is the HEALTHY rabbit choice?

CORRECT!!!Overgrown Teeth 


3. Environment

a. A healthy rabbit will be in a clean and healthy environment.

Which is the HEALTHY rabbit choice?

Too cluttered and not clean!CORRECT!!!



b. A healthy rabbit also needs to have firm, dry fecal droppings.

Which is the HEALTHY rabbit choice?

