In the Market Rabbit Industry activity you explored the demand in your community in order to determine which rabbit option you may want to choose. Now, look at the surveys and interviews you collected to determine what changes you would make. If it has been over 6 months since you conducted your survey, interview, and wanted ad analysis, you should do them out again.
Take the necessary time to research your market potential before jumping in. As you start your market project, start small - this will allow you to “test the waters” and gather feedback from your product. If you get positive feedback, increased demand, and a potential for profit growth then you can slowly increase your operation. You will need to determine you start-up cost, maintenance cost, and develop a scale to determine the sale price of your product. Before you develop your market plan, follow the links below, depending on if you currently have a rabbit or not.
If you currently own a rabbit, .
If you do not own a rabbit, .