Angora rabbits are primarily raised for their wool. The techniques used to raise wool-producing rabbits vary drastically from those used in meat or fur rabbit production. Adult Angora rabbits produce quality wool throughout their entire life. It is not necessary to breed these rabbits often since you do not need many animals to produce a high yield of wool. Breeding the does also reduces the amount of wool that they produce.

One benefit of wool production is that the raw wool can be collected and stored for a very long time before it is processed. As long as the wool is stored in a dry place out of the reach of insects and vermin, it will maintain its quality. Here are the three activities you will complete within this lesson:


Activity 1 - Visit a Yarn Store to Explore Different Yarn Types

Click here to download this activity.

Activity 2 - Collect a Rabbit's Wool

Click here to download this activity.

Activity 3 - Give a Demonstration on Wool Collection Techniques

Click here to download this activity.