Fostering is the technique of transferring young kits from their dam (mother) to another lactating doe for some reason. As a rabbit breeder you may find yourself in a situation where you will need to foster rabbit kits. Implementing this procedure can increase the production efficiency of your herd. Fostering is a beneficial technique for both the kits and dam when carried out properly.
Kits that are orphaned can also be fostered or raised by hand quite successfully. However, regardless of which method you choose to raise the young kits, there are strict guidelines that must be followed. Here are the three activities you will complete within this lesson:
Activity 1 - Give a Presentation on Fostering Rabbits
Click here to download this activity.
Activity 2 - Volunteer at a Rabbit Rescue Shelter
Click here to download this activity.
Activity 3 - Foster or Hand-feed Your Rabbits
Click here to download this activity.