Can you match the image below with the proper body type? Use the descriptions on the left to help you figure it out.













5. Body Types
A rabbit’s body shape also helps in distinguishing between different breeds. A rabbit’s profile is the outline of the animal when viewed from several positions. Two common profiles used when determining a rabbit’s body shape are: the side profile and the top profile (when viewed from the top).

Animals are of medium length, with depth of body equaling width of body throughout. The high point of the top line should be over the hips. The side profile will taper from the hidquarters through to the shoulders. Fullness of body and firmness of flesh are important qualities.

Posing: Front feet are to be directly under the eyes and the toes of the rear feet aligned with the front of the hips. Posing in a tucked up or stretched out position is inappropriate.

Breeds: French Angora, Giant Angora, Satin Angora, Blanc de Hotot, Champagne d’Argent, Californian, Cinnamon, American Chinchilla, Crème d’Argent, French Lop, Harlequin, New Zealand, Palomino, Rex, American Sable, Satin, Silver Fox, and Silver Marten

Animals are longer in body and have a well defined rise starting at the or near the back of the shoulders, and continuing to round of the tail. High point of the rise should occur at the top of the hips. The side profile is to be tapered from the hindquartes through to the shoulders.

Posing: Front feet should be directly under the eyes and the toes of the rear feet aligned with the front of the hips. Some breeds may be allowed to move naturally after initial pose, to better evaluate specific type features.

American, Beveren, English Lop, Flemish Giant, and Giant Chinchilla.

Animals are to have an arch starting at the nape of the neck and continuing in a smooth, unbroken line over the shoulders, loin, hips, and finishing by rounding to the base of the tail. Most breeds will show more depth than width of the body. The side profile will taper from the hind quarters through to the shoulders.

Posing: All breeds should be allowed to move naturally to evaluate type, except the Britannia Petite, which is to be posed. 

Breeds: Belgian Hare, Britannia Petite, Checkered Giant, English Spot, Rhinelander, and Tan.

Animals are lighter in weight and shorter in body length than animals of commercial type. Some breeds will have only a slight rise in the top line due to depth of shoulders being slightly lower than the depth over the hips. The side profile may be tapered or of equal width from hips to shoulders, as specified in the individual breed standard.

Posing: The front feet are to be directly under their eyes and the toes of the rear feet aligned with the front of the hips. Posing in an excessively “tucked” position or allowing animals to move about the table is undesirable and strongly discouraged.

Breeds: American Fuzzy Lop, English Angora, Standard Chinchilla, Dutch, Dwarf Hotot, Florida White, Havana, Holland Lop, Jersey Wooly, Lilac, Mini Lop, Mini Rex, Netherland Dwarf, Polish and Silver.

Animals are to show a straight top line with no arch or rise. Side profile is to show no taper. The front feet are to be even with the eyes and the body stretched out with forelegs and hocks flat on the table.

Breed: Himalayan