To complete Activity 4 for the
Show Rabbit Project, simply click
on one of the activities below.

  Option 1. Determine what rabbit characteristics provide high show potential
  Option 2. Give a presentation on important rabbit records
  Option 3. Measure the conditions in your rabbit's environment
Reference Literature

Domestic Rabbit Guide
(ARBA Manual: pg. 5-6, 18, 25)

Raising better rabbits & cavies
(ARBA Book: pg. 139-150)







This section emphasizes registering your rabbit from the ARBA perspective. If you completed the Pet Rabbit Project, you should remember that ARBA is the American Rabbit Breeders Association. Since ARBA is seen as the authority on showing rabbits, other shows that are not ARBA sanctioned still follow a similar format. 

Records help you keep track of vital information that can help you make the best decisions regarding your animals. Good records help you stay aware of changes in your rabbit(s) over time. You can monitor several factors, such as:

  • health
  • growth
  • individual identification
  • breeding
  • show awards/earnings

The particular records that you include in your project depend on the type of project that you are interested in pursuing. For the fancier or show rabbit, records that would play a major part in selecting prospective show animals or future breeders include:

  • ancestry or pedigree
  • faults
  • good points
  • fur or wool
  • color and
  • other items considered by a judge

Records are essential in deciding which rabbits would make the best show animals and which should be removed from your rabbitry. No matter which aspect you are considering, knowing your herd’s bloodline can help you raise better rabbits. Selecting healthy, well developed animals with good records in their background; caring for them properly with adequate housing, care, feed, and water, and practicing good sanitation and breeding programs will lead to a successful operation for you.