To complete Activity 5 for the
Show Rabbit Project, simply click
on one of the activities below.

  Option 1. Outline the characteristics for the breed you wish to show
  Option 2. Visit a rabbit breeder and pet store to examine stock
  Option 3. Write up the profile for the rabbit you selected
Reference Literature

The Domestic Rabbit
(Book; Section 1)

Domestic Rabbit Guide
(ARBA Manual: pg. 1-5)

Raising better rabbits & cavies
(ARBA Book: pg. 32-74)


Up to this point, you have been preparing to choose the rabbit that is right for you and your project. Prior to starting this section you should be familiar with the basic information for selecting a rabbit that is healthy which was covered in the fifth activity in the Pet Rabbit Project. If you have not already done so, complete Activity 5: Choosing Your Rabbit from the Pet Rabbit Project.

Once you know how to identify a health rabbit, it is important to also be able to identify a rabbit that meets show criteria based on its breed standards. The three areas in this lesson that will help you with this task are understanding:

  1. the importance of your rabbit's history,
  2. how to use the American Standard of Perfection,
  3. and the judging process.