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4-H LogoFlorida 4-H

4-H LogoFlorida 4-H

Citizenship & Leadership Projects

This program explores leadership and citizenship skills. You will explore citizenship, community development, service, personal development and many other leadership-citizenship topics as you develop important life skills. Each activity guide includes a separate achievement program and activities, that promote learning and interaction with other youth, adult helpers, family members and your community.

  • Career Development Project

    Through involvement with this experience, you will explore the necessary preparations to join the workforce and be an entrepreneur as you develop important life skills.

    The experiences listed below comprise an overview of 4-H Career Development.  Specific choices are vast and may vary from county to county depending on interest.  For questions about the Career Development choices in your area, contact your county 4-H Agent.

  • Citizenship & Leadership Development

    Through involvement with this experience, you will explore how you can become a better citizen and leader while developing important life skills.

    The experiences listed below comprise an overview of how you can get involved with 4-H Citizenship and Leadership Development. Specific choices are vast and may vary from county to county depending on interest.  For questions about available experiences in your area, contact your county 4-H Agent.