Identifying Characteristics
Size/Form: | Swamp tupelo is a large tree that reaches heights of 100'. It has an oblong crown and the trunk is buttressed at the base in wetland areas. |
Leaves: | The leaves are simple, alternately arranged, deciduous, and 2" to 5" long by 1" to 3" wide. The elliptical shaped leaves usually have shiny, dark green upper surfaces and while the underneath surface is paler. The leaf base is wedged and the tip is acute. The leaf margin is smooth. |
Fruit: | The fruit is a dark blue drupelike fruit that is about ½" long and oval shaped. |
Bark: | The gray to light brown bark is thick and blocky. |
Habitat: | Swamp tupelo is can be found in cooler upland hardwood hammocks that are near wetlands. It commonly occurs in swamps, creek sides, pond margins, and cypress domes. |