Identifying Characteristics
Size/Form: | The red mangrove is a tall tree that reaches 70' to 80' in height in the tropics; however in Florida, it is characterized as a short bushy tree reaching about 20' in height. It is characterized by its numerous above ground roots called prop roots. |
Leaves: | The persistent leaves are oppositely arranged, 3" to 5" long and 1" to 2" wide. They are elliptical in shape, dark green on top, and paler below. Leaf margins are smooth. |
Flowers: | The flowers on the red mangrove are a pale yellow and appear in the spring. |
Fruit: | The leathery fruit is a rusty-brown conical berry. Before it falls from the tree, one seeds germinate and send down an initial root, 6" to 12" long. When the fruit falls this root lodges in the soil and the top begins to grow immediately. This is a unique plant adaptation to the wet environment. |
Bark: | The thick gray to gray-brown bark is ridged and scaly. |
Habitat: | The red mangrove grows in brackish areas along creeks, bays, and lagoons. |