Identifying Characteristics
Size/Form: | Fetterbush is an arching, sprawling shrub that measures 3' to 9' tall. It has branching stems near the base and alternately arranged twigs farther outward. |
Leaves: | The leaves are simple, alternate, and persistent. They are usually 1" to 3" long, 1" to 2" wide, and elliptical in outline. The upper leaf surface is shiny green and the lower leaf surface is dull lighter green with tiny black spots. The leaf margin is entire with a parallel vein along the outside edge. The margin also has a distinct ridge along the lower side and the petiole is ribbed where it attaches to the twig. |
Fruit: | The fruit is a five-chambered, oval-shaped capsule, ¼" wide. The tiny, brown capsules occur in clusters that surround the stem. |
Stem: | New stems are red or light green but they gradually turn brown with age. Both new and old stems are covered with black scales. |
Habitat: | It grows on a wide variety of sites, from moist and shady to open and dry but is most often found near or in wet sites. It can be found growing in flatwood forests, savannas, bogs, and near cypress ponds. |