Identifying Characteristics
Size/Form: | Sand pine is generally described as a small to medium evergreen tree that grows to about 25' tall, with a conical crown and numerous persistent cones. It is not uncommon for sand pine to reach heights of 60' to 80'. The trees produce many low, lateral branches and the trunk often has a twisted appearance. |
Leaves: | The leaves are needle-like, about 2" to 3½" long and borne in fascicles of two. They are dark green, flexible, and persist on the tree into the next season. |
Seed cones: | The seeds are held in small ovoid to conical cones, about 1" to 3" long, with hard, stiff scales and winged seeds. The cones remain on the tree for years, until fire causes them to open and release their seeds. |
Bark: | The bark consists of thick, grayish, or reddish-brown outer plates, with a brown inner bark. Bark becomes very smooth near the top of the tree. |
Habitat: | Sand pine grows best in deep, well-drained, sandy soils. It thrives in acidic, infertile sites and may be found along ridges and hillsides or in upland, open wooded areas. |