Saltbush: Identifying Characteristics
Saltbush is a semi-evergreen, medium-sized shrub that can grow up to 12 feet tall.
The bark is reddish-brown to gray and becomes furrowed with age.
The twigs are green and sometimes sticky.
The leaves are simple, alternate, and deciduous. The shape is egg-like, with dentate (toothed) margins on the top half of the leaf giving it a "spork-like" appearance. The leaves are up to 2 ½ inches long and are shiny green above, paler or silvery-gray below.
The female flowers are showy white with straight feathery bristles which remain on the plant until the fruits are dispersed. The male flowers are yellow and are not showy.
The fruit is a small achene with long white feathery bristles that is wind dispersed.