Identifying Characteristics
Size/Form: | height 80' - 150', diameter 4' - 6' |
Leaves: | Leaves are simple, alternate, and deciduous. They have a distinctive shape with 4 or 6 pointed lobes. The leaves are 4-6 inches long and 2-3 inches wide. Leaf margins are entire. Leaf surfaces are dark, lustrous green above, paler below. Leaf petioles are slender, 4-6 inches long. |
Twigs: | The twigs are slender, reddish-brown, sometimes purplish, with many small specks (lenticels). The pith is diaphragmed. |
Bark: | The bark is dark green on young stems, becoming gray with small, white patches, later streaked with narrow lines; with fine, deep furrows. |
Flowers: | The flowers are perfect and cup-shaped. The 6 petals are yellow to light green, with bright orange, rounded bases. |
Fruit: | The fruit is a cone-like structure of winged samaras, 1.5 inches long. |
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