To complete Activity 1 for the
Show Rabbit Project, simply click
on one of the activities below.
Option 1. Learn more about different rabbit coats | |
Option 2. Interview someone that shows rabbits | |
Option 3. Have a rabbit expert explain proper rabbit conditioning, coat, and flesh quality |
The Domestic Rabbit
(Book; section 1)
Domestic Rabbit Guide (ARBA)
(Book; page 2)
Handling a Rabbit
(Instructional Brochure)
At this point, you should have considered several factors to determine
if a rabbit project fits your lifestyle and particularly which project you
want to complete. You should also be familiar with the four main factors
you need to consider when choosing a rabbit breed, as well as have a potential breed in mind. These basics were covered in the first activity in the Pet Rabbit Project. If you have not already done so, complete Activity 1: My Rabbit Profile from the Pet Rabbit Project.
As you go through this activity you will learn about the characteristics
that define the different American rabbit breeds based on their Standard
of Perfection. When choosing show quality animals, any breed could qualify as a good choice, as long as it fits your lifestyle. Some breeds need more grooming and care than others, as well as have special requirements. You should take all of these aspects into consideration when choosing a breed.
Classification and Characteristics
When judging a rabbit breed there are 8 main characteristics that
must be considered in the standard of perfection for each breed. How well a rabbit meets these characteristics specified for its breed determines where it places in the show.