Join 4-H
Membership age of youth participation is determined by the youth’s age as of September 1 of the current program year (September 1 – August 31). The minimum age of a 4-H’er is 5 years old and the maximum age for a 4-H’er is 18 years old, or completion of high school, whichever comes first. Youth whose membership age is beyond 18 who have qualified for a National Contest (as a culminating event for their project learning) shall be eligible to participate in the event as long as they qualify as per National Contest policies. Youth classified as an “exceptional student” and thus determined eligible for a special program by the State Board of Education [Florida Statute 1003.01(3)(a)] shall be eligible to participate in 4-H until the age of 21 years old (National 4-H upper age limit) or completion of high school, whichever comes first.
Eligibility for enrolled 4-H members is determined by the youth’s age as of September 1 of the current 4-H program year, which runs September 1 through August 31.
4 Steps for Youth to Get Involved in Florida 4-H:
- Check out the Projects, Camps, and Events pages to learn about what Florida 4-H has to offer.
- Contact your local County Extension Office to learn about 4-H clubs and activities in your county.
- When you are ready to participate in Florida 4-H, ask your parents to complete a Florida 4-H Youth Enrollment online at 4HOnline. *Paper forms are available for families without internet access, please contact your local County Extension Office.
- Enrollment and Re-Enrollment for the new 4-H Year will begin August 1. The Florida 4-H Youth Development Program requires an annual $20.00 membership fee for Community Club Members 4-H ages 8-18, some counties may charge a different fee amount.
- If you plan to pay the Florida 4-H Membership fee for Community Club Members by check or money order, you may pay this at your local County Extension Office.
- Prepare for your first 4-H activity and plan to meet new friends, learn cool things, and have fun! * Paper forms are available for families without internet access and some counties may charge a different fee amount.
4-H is the youth development program of Extension at land grant universities. Florida 4-H has the responsibility to provide a safe and healthy environment for youth participating in Extension positive youth development programs by helping youth feel a sense a belonging through healthy relationships with caring adults, provide opportunities of engagement through experiential learning (hands-on) activities, and encourage youth to find their spark!
Collegiate 4-H is open to all college students who wish to support youth and the 4-H program. It is not necessary to have prior 4-H experience, only to have an interest in the 4-H ideals and in serving your community.
Are you a former 4-Her? Doesn’t matter if you grew up in Florida or recently arrived. Become a part of our 4-H State Alumni Database where you’ll learn what 4-H youth are doing today and how you can remain part of the 4-H family. If you’re a young alum, also consider joining Collegiate 4-H.
Want to keep up with current 4-H news? Join the Florida 4-H Alumni + Friends Community and stay connected with Florida 4-H. Members receive program updates and special invites to 4-H events and activities.
We'd love to hear from you, connect with us at or on social @Florida4H. -
With programs in every county across Florida, Florida 4-H is looking for passionate professionals to join our team—and our movement. Our dedicated professionals work toward fulfilling our mission—to empower youth to reach their full potential, working and learning in partnership with caring adults.
4-H’ers everywhere are pursuing their passions, accomplishing the extraordinary, and meeting new challenges head-on. You are key to their success! By giving to 4-H, you open the door for young people to discover the best within themselves and to make a positive impact in their communities and the world. Learn More.
With 6 million youth, 540,000 volunteers, 3,500 professionals, and more than 60 million alumni, 4-H supports young people in every county in America in programs designed to shape future leaders and innovators. A partnership with 4-H will drive your business and philanthropic objectives. Learn more