Florida 4-H Dairy Goat Chain
The Florida 4-H Dairy Goat Chain will be an educational teaching program and facilitate more Florida youth participating in the 4-H dairy goat project by providing them with a high-quality, pure bred dairy goat. The selected 4-H member will be the owner of a goat/s provided to Florida 4-H courtesy of The Quirie Family of Hazy Fields Farm and Elizabeth Kennelley of Devonshire Dairy Goats , or is the offspring of an animal previously part of the chain. The 4-H member will provide all the needs of this animal and care for the animal as part of his or her 4-H project and maintain a youth membership in the American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA) .
The 4-H member will complete a record book on the project animal, and show the animal in at least two local, regional, or state-level 4-H shows. When the goat is of proper age, the 4-H member will facilitate breeding the animal to produce registered kids. The first doe kid will then be used to provide a project animal for another 4-H member, thus adding another ‘link to the chain’. All other kids born to the original animal after the 1st doeling will be the property of the 4-H member.
For more infomation please contact Dr. Chris DeCubellis, cdecube@ufl.edu