4-H LogoFlorida 4-H

4-H LogoFlorida 4-H

4-H Learning

4-H provides hands-on learning experiences that are fun and relevant. Eligibility for enrolled 4-H members is determined by the youth’s age as of September 1 of the current 4-H program year, which runs September 1 through August 31. 4-H is open to youth ages 5-18. The Cloverbud Program is for children ages 5-7 who want to explore learning together!

4-H Members can choose from more than 50 projects that focus on science, engineering, and technology, animals and agriculture, food & nutrition, outdoor adventures, marine science, public speaking, art, and wildlife. 4-H learning is experiential- where youth learn life skills and use their skills to give back to their communities. Youth set goals and keep records and they can participate in events and activities on a county, state, and national level to keep their learning strong.

4-H has three major priority programs: Science, Citizenship & Leadership, and Healthy Living. Please check out the resources available to you in each of these areas. For more information on 4-H projects and resources visit: Florida 4-H Curriculum Clearinghouse.